Don't just treat arthritis pain—proactively treat the disease

Only Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) is proven to effectively treat arthritis by addressing the underlying cartilage deterioration and controlling the clinical signs. Common treatment options like NSAIDs are designed to provide temporary symptom relief (but can be an important part of a multimodal approach).

Make mobility a vital sign at every appointment

Pet owners may not be aware of the subtle changes that could signal their dog is experiencing joint pain. It’s important to educate your clients about their dog’s joint health, so you can identify and address arthritis before the damage is irreversible.

Prescribing Adequan Canine early, before cartilage wears away completely, can help improve patient outcomes. Even if arthritis is not diagnosed early, Adequan Canine may help reduce the dog’s pain, allowing for increased activity levels.


Here’s how Adequan Canine was proven to work within canine synovial joints:

The specific mechanism of action of Adequan® in canine joints is not known.1

Inhibits the release of catabolic enzymes

Stimulates anabolic enzymes

Renews and restores cartilage matrix

Reduces inflammation and pain

Slows cartilage degradation

See how Adequan Canine works


Prescribe Adequan Canine with confidence

Adequan Canine has satisfied each stage of the FDA approval process for animal drugs, which often takes years, and it meets the stringent FDA requirements for safety and efficacy in dogs. Non-approved alternatives don’t have the same requirements.

*The specific mechanism of action of Adequan® in canine joints is not known.
**Not FDA-approved.
All products have the potential for adverse events that should be considered in overall management of any disease.

1. Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), Package Insert. American Regent, Inc.

Backed by FDA-reviewed studies with proven efficacy

Efficacy has been demonstrated in both a radiolabeled study and a clinical field trial which assessed lameness, range of motion, and functional disability.1

Dogs treated with Adequan Canine showed a statistically significant improvement in range of motion and total orthopedic score over placebo-treated control dogs.2

Clinical field trial showed mobility score improvement

Dogs treated with Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) showed a statistically significant improvement in range of motion and total orthopedic score over placebo-treated control dogs.2

Final data analysis from 71 limbs in 51 dogs. Joints evaluated: (n=35 Adequan® Canine / n=36 Placebo)

Evaluated joints included: hips, stifles, shoulders, hocks, elbows. Responder dogs were defined as one for which all limbs evaluated showed > 30% improvement over the baseline.

Adequan® Canine polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) solution 100 mg/mL

Adequan® Canine is recommended for intramuscular injection for the control of signs associated with non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis of canine synovial joints.

Adequan® Canine should not be used in dogs who are hypersensitive to polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) or who have a known or suspected bleeding disorder. It should be used with caution in dogs with renal or hepatic impairment. Adverse reactions in clinical studies (transient pain at injection site, transient diarrhea, and abnormal bleeding) were mild and self-limiting. In post approval experience, death has been reported in some cases; vomiting, anorexia, depression/lethargy and diarrhea have also been reported. The safe use of PSGAG in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. For additional safety information, please see full prescribing information.

Talk to dog owners about Adequan Canine

Find free resources and tools to help you educate your clients about their dog’s joint health and improve OA diagnosis and treatment.


Get new insights to inform your treatment approach

Take advantage of free, fully accredited continuing education courses to learn how to identify, diagnose and treat canine osteoarthritis.


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Advancing joint care for dogs & horses

For more than 30 years, veterinarians have relied on the American Regent Animal Health family of products to provide solutions that help support joint health in their patients. Our mission is to champion the long-term well-being and mobility of animals, from top athletes to family companions.

  1. Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), Package Insert. American Regent, Inc. .
  2. Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) NADA 141-038 FOI Summary, 1997.